

  • Virginia Ungar Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires (APdeBA)


Culture, Uncertainty, Time, Subjectivation


The theme of transience admits a wide range of meanings involving psychoanalysis from various perspectives. This article tackles the challenges and anxieties involved in living and working during the Covid-19 pandemic. It considers the notion of time “out of joint” and living with uncertainty, both implied in a different notion of time in psychoanalysis as characterized by rupture in continuities. The paper focuses on the impact of these facts on the processes of subjectivation. Themes of migration and refugees and the issue of climate change in times of uncertainty such as the present are also discussed. Interwoven are reflections on war conflicts, highlighting the ideas of Hanna Segal, who pleaded for peace and against the use of nuclear weapons.


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Author Biography

Virginia Ungar, Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires (APdeBA)

Psicanalista. Membro efetivo da Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires (APdeBA)


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How to Cite

Ungar, V. . (2022). Transience. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 29(1), 107–122. Retrieved from