Space, time and relationships in the pandemic: elaborations



Remote analysis, Pandemic, Social Isolation, Space, Home, Relationships, Transference


The pandemic crisis and the subsequent experiences of confinement many have gone through are examined by three psychoanalysts from the perspective of the effects, both manifest and latent, that were felt in their private practices. The dimensions of space, time, and interpersonal relationships, seen as constituting the basic bonds that sustain the feeling of identity, were chosen as guidelines to organize the material presented. The dimension of space is approached through the different representations of home that emerged in the associative work under analysis. The home in its dimensions of concentration, verticality, and horizontality. The welcoming, safe, invaded, imprisoning, ruined, repaired, renovated, extended, magnificent home, bearing traces of the past, a project for the future. Time is approached in its aspects of framing the analytic situation, in the variety it imparts to subjective experiences, and also as a thematic element of the associative material produced under analysis. Interpersonal relationships are mainly addressed from the perspective of the effects of the pandemic and confinement on transferential/countertransferential relationships in the remote analysis situation. Finally, interpretative hypotheses are proposed for two opposing attitudes: arrogant denialism and obsessive care and precaution. Both are suggested to derive from infantile fantasies of omnipotence.


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Author Biographies

Luís Cláudio Figueiredo, Círculo Psicanalítico do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)

Psychoanalyst, effective member of the Rio de Janeiro Psychoanalytic Circle (CPRJ) and professor of the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP.

Octavio Souza, Círculo Psicanalítico do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)

Psychoanalyst, effective member of the Rio de Janeiro Psychoanalytic Circle, researcher at the Fernandes Figueira Institute/FIOCRUZ.

Paulo Sergio Lima Silva, Círculo Psicanalítico do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)

Psychoanalyst, PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Effective member of the Psychoanalytic Circle of Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ). Adherent member and supervisor of the Society of Psychoanalysis of the City of Rio de Janeiro (SPCRJ).


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How to Cite

Mendonça Figueiredo, L. C., Souza, O., & Lima Silva, P. S. (2021). Space, time and relationships in the pandemic: elaborations. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 28(3), 669–694. Retrieved from

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