Impact of the environmental culture on the interpretation of the clinical material


  • Gilbert Diatkine Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris (SPP)


Social environment, Language, Dissociation, Prejudice


There is a traditional belief that the setting protects both protagonists against the pressure exerted by the impositions of social environment. Therefore, the analysts may concentrate on their main task, the analysis of the patient’s internal world. If the external world comes into play, it is only by means of the unconscious projections of the patients’ phantasies. Publications by Latin American analysts made us aware of the limits of this classical attitude. If the analysts pay attention to the representations they inherit from cultural and social environment, they can find there relations which may help them create an environment to play with the patient and to interpret the dissociations which have a role in that patient’s psychopathology. For that, it is necessary that they be aware of their prejudices, that they are able to analyze them, relate them to the other elements of their counter transference


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Author Biography

Gilbert Diatkine, Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris (SPP)

Membro Efetivo da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris


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How to Cite

Diatkine, G. (2010). Impact of the environmental culture on the interpretation of the clinical material. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 17(2), 267–278. Retrieved from