Notes on the soil soul in Brazil


  • Cristina Freire


Ecology, Soil, Environmental degradation, Modernity-coloniality, Contemporary art, Social sculpture, Gaia, Chthonia


Social, environmental and subjective ecologies affect each other. In the urgency of the climate crisis we are experiencing, soil becomes a category of analysis. Although it is in the fertile soil that life on the planet is sustained, its invisibility reveals the dynamics of social and subjective processes. The history of colonization-modernization that has trivialized environmental devastation in Brazil has produced monotonous landscapes, degraded soils, devastated forests and polluted seas. The disregard for the announced disaster remains at the basis of modern Western, anthropocentric and Cartesian thought, which separates nature and culture, mind and body, thinking and acting. The mythical duality of the earth points to other meanings for the process of destruction and for the catastrophes that follow.


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Author Biography

Cristina Freire

Professora titular da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Graduada em Psicologia pelo Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Mestre, doutora e livre-docente em Psicologia Social pelo Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Curadora e docente do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (1990-2019).  Docente no Programa Interdisciplinar de Estética e História de Arte da Universidade de São Paulo (PGEHA USP). Pesquisadora Pq do CNPQ desde 2017. Desde 2019 realiza projeto de reflorestamento e regeneração ambiental com o cultivo de árvores nativas, frutíferas e plantas medicinais em sistema agroflorestal no Sitio Jatobá, São Luiz do Paraitinga/SP.



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How to Cite

Freire, C. (2025). Notes on the soil soul in Brazil. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 32(1). Retrieved from



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