A new epistemology for psychoanalysis: proposal for a neurobiopsychoanalysis or psychoanalysis [2.0] “two-point-zero”
Paradigm shift, Psychoanalysis, Complexity, Autopoiesis, Secondorder cybernetics, CultureAbstract
There is only one science. The main question today is the confrontation between complexity and reductionism, to which psychoanalysis has contributed more than it recognizes. The paradigm shift has already occurred: this article attempts to show what happens to psychoanalysis when it adheres to a new complexity paradigm. The history of its development is outlined, with the emergence of cybernetics as an expression of complexity, and we recall the prodromes of cognitive biology and the proposal that living beings are autopoietic machines that build themselves, respecting the laws of biology. The place of psychoanalysis in the concert of the sciences is discussed, reaching the conclusion that it is of a new type: a complex science, such as quantum physics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Consequently, it cannot be evaluated using Popper’s reductionist criteria. The creation of a new metric to measure it is necessary. With the new paradigm, what changes in psychoanalysis is the inclusion of biology, the reason for proposing a neurobiopsychoanalysis or “Psychoanalysis 2.0,” reaffirming that Psychoanalysis 1.0 continues to be as valid as Newtonian mechanics in relation to quantum mechanics.
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