The antechambers of Oedipus: triangulation impasses
Psychoanalysis, Oedipus, Primary relationships, Triangulation, ObjectsAbstract
This article consists of an investigation into the Oedipus complex based on a clinical case study. Our aim is to reflect on the subjective impasses resulting from non-resolution of the oedipal situation. In Kleinian theory, the pre-oedipal period is now conceived as part of the oedipal situation, which creates the conditions for triangulation, starting a path that may or may not lead to the Oedipus complex. In the field of primary object relations, the inability of the object to receive and transform the projections coming from the child compromises the internalization of triangulation. Incipient triangulation is interrupted due to this failure. The study of a clinical case helped us to reflect on the intrasubjective and intersubjective difficulties related to a prevalence of the oedipal situation in the resolution of the Oedipus complex. When triangulation cannot be sustained there is fragility in the demarcation of the limits of the self and a consequent difficulty tolerating ambivalence. The predominance of the oedipal situation implies a failure in the differentiation between the self and objects, causing a state of confusion between psychic reality and the external world. We suggest that analytical work allowed the patient to construct more consistent psychic boundaries, modifying her dual relationship with the parental couple.
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