Presentation of the text About my conception of the Self, by Jean Laplanche


  • Luiz Carlos Tarelho Fondation Jean Laplanche


The Self in Laplanche, Derivations of the Self, Theory of Support, Translating activity


This article seeks to recreate the historical and theoretical context in which Jean Laplanche’s essay entitled About my conception of the Self was written. The author stresses the eminently didactic nature of the text, written for clarification purposes, and highlights some key notions covered, such as the double derivation of the Self and the theory of support. In addition, the author introduces an issue that has become controversial, involving the so-called “translating activity”, looking for elements in the text to support this discussion.


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Author Biography

Luiz Carlos Tarelho, Fondation Jean Laplanche

Psychologist and psychoanalyst. PhD in Études Psychanalytiques-Université de Paris VII - Université Denis Diderot and post-doctorate at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of UNICAMP. Member of the group of researchers that make up the Fondation Jean Laplanche. He was a student of Jean Laplanche.


Laplanche, J (2021). Acerca da minha concepção do Eu. Revista de Psicanálise da SPPA, 28(1), 1-5. (Trabalho originalmente publicado em 1996)

Laplanche, J (1997). Freud e a sexualidade: o desvio biologizante. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar. (Trabalho originalmente publicado em 1993)

Tarelho, L. C. (2021). Novas contribuições para a discussão sobre a atividade tradutiva da criança e seu protagonismo na constituição da tópica psíquica. Calibán- Revista Latino-americana de Psicanálise, 19(1-2), 124-139.



How to Cite

Tarelho, L. C. (2021). Presentation of the text About my conception of the Self, by Jean Laplanche. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 28(3), 727–733. Retrieved from