Trauma and psychic survival


  • Anette Blaya Luz


Trauma, Abuse, Identification with agressor, Psychic survival, Relaxation and neocatharsis, Narcissistic self-cleavage


Starting from Freud's conceptions about the origins of emotional trauma, we present the metapsychology of trauma proposed by Sándor Ferenczi in 1932. In this work, the author describes the importance of the external object as a traumatizing element, leaving the child helpless in the face of his perception of the maltreatment suffered, and highlights denial as a fundamental element in damaging the child's healthy psychic survival. The reality of the traumatic fact, from the child's perspective, is altered due to the defense that he uses which is the narcissistic self-cleavage, with consequent identification with the aggressor.
Understanding trauma through this theory implies significant technical changes, such as incorporating elasticity and relaxation to restore healthy psychic survival.
This process allows the cleaved parts of the personality to be reintegrated into the whole. A brief presentation of Winnicott's ideas about trauma is provided, as they
represent the contemporary development of Ferenczi's theories. Three clinical vignettes illustrate these concepts.


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Author Biography

Anette Blaya Luz

Médica. Psiquiatra. Membro efetivo e analista didata do Instituto de Psicanálise da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (SPPA)/International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Coordenadora do International New Groups da IPA para América Latina (ING). Membro do Board da IPA pela América Latina de 2019 a 2022. Membro do conselho editorial do IJP.


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How to Cite

Blaya Luz, A. (2025). Trauma and psychic survival. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 32(1). Retrieved from

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