O inconsciente na pós-modernidade: as tensões epistêmicas
Weakening, or even simply discarding, the possibility of access to valid knowledge, which is a characteristic of the current historic moment – that is, the postmodernity and the postmodernism as a literary and philosophical ideology – only brings tensions, limitation and conceptualization to the access to the unconscious. The present article focuses on some aspects of this complex matter, especially on the impact on how the scientific features and the modus operandi of psychoanalysis are understood based on the classic and romantic universal points of view. It also analyzes how the restrictive versions of the idea of science are employed when one considers the relevance of the psychoanalytical method as a valid empirical approach and, thus, returns to the literature and philosophy the exclusiveness of the human psychism, which is considered as part of their domain by the above mentioned disciplines.
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