Intersubjectivity, pleasure, and vitalization in contemporary psychoanalysis: revisiting concepts and experiences


  • Nelson Ernesto Coelho Junior Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


Intersubjectivity, Pleasure, Vitalization, Contemporary psychoanalysis


This article aims to discuss the experiences of pleasure and vitalization in contemporary psychoanalysis from its connection with the concept and experience of intersubjectivity. We initially resort to the broad context imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which the issue of the psychoanalytic framework (internal and external) and of technical modifications was imposed in an overwhelming manner. It is considered that some aspect of the intersubjective experience, something of the inter-corporeity, or of the co-corporeity, was lost in vitality and potency in the passage from in-person to virtual or online analysis. In a second moment, the article seeks to discuss the different figures of intersubjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis and explain a fundamental aspect of intersubjective dynamics in therapeutic processes, that is, pleasure and modes of vitalization and revitalization based upon co-corporeity.


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Author Biography

Nelson Ernesto Coelho Junior, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Psicanalista, doutor em Psicologia Clínica, professor dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).


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How to Cite

Ernesto Coelho Junior, N. (2023). Intersubjectivity, pleasure, and vitalization in contemporary psychoanalysis: revisiting concepts and experiences. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 30(1), 45–72. Retrieved from