Eyes wide shut
from relational perversion to the possibility of dreaming someone else’s dream
Dream, Perversion, Narcissism, Affective dependency, SettingAbstract
Beginning with Stanley Kubrick’s famous film, Eyes Wide Shut (1999), inspired by Arthur Schnitzler’s Dream Story (1926), the authors explore the theme of relational perversion as an impossibility of dreaming the other’s dream from a theoretical point of view, both from a clinical perspective and as an increasingly generalized social phenomenon. An impossibility of dreaming the dream of the other that, according to the authors, is rooted in the primary relationship between mother and newborn child, in which case there is a real struggle for power to impose one’s own dream on the other. The context of this duel, involving the psychic life of both, is that of an absent third party, a dead father figure, physically dead or mentally absent and, in any case, unable to divide the mother/newborn duo, the justifications of one and the reasons of the other, giving to each their due.
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