Crisis of the C system in the contemporary individual?


  • Antonio Alberto Semi Sociedade Psicanalítica da Itália (SPI)


C system, Reason, Malaise of civilization, Individual


The author analyses a modality of transformation of the C system operation in contemporary individuals, showing how this transformation may be the result of a conformist adaptation to a cultural trend which eliminates the importance of individuals. This type of adaptation enables the release of sexual tension, but not the elaboration of adult psychosexuality and, at the conscious level, it means the reduction of the role of the C system (particularly that of reason) with survival purposes.


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Author Biography

Antonio Alberto Semi, Sociedade Psicanalítica da Itália (SPI)

Membro Efetivo da Sociedade Psicanálitica da Itália (SPI)


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How to Cite

Semi, A. A. (2008). Crisis of the C system in the contemporary individual?. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 15(3), 385–398. Retrieved from