Catastrophe and creativity: from fragmentation to emergence
Trauma, Catastrophe, Truth, Undifferentiation, Atomization, Somatic defensesAbstract
This paper follows Ferenczi’s lead into the primordial, exploring a search for truth, that if it is successful will result in both a catastrophic loss and a creative gain. In entering the primordial, Ferenczi takes us into experiences of undifferentiation that bring us to the very origins of a self. According to Ferenczi, familiarity with the primordial never leaves us, but rests silently in our bodies, as background to the truth. We access it in moments of beauty discovered in art, poetry, music or sexuality. Truth and beauty go together and cannot be separated. We also access truth in moments of loss. Unfortunately, truth can be attacked and with disastrous consequences as we know from the years when Ferenczi’s ideas were banned from psychoanalytic discussion. Attacks on truth are as catastrophic as is truth itself. Clinical examples are given.
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