Bion’s impact in thinking psychoanalysis

a personal testimony


  • Viviane Sprinz Mondrzak


Complexity, Psychoanalytic technique, Determinism, Institutions


This paper intends to map the impact of Bion’s ideas on the way the author thinks psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic craft. It is, therefore, a personal testimony and a snapshot among the many contributions from Bion. Aspects of the model of mental function are discussed, as well as the objectives of an analysis, the technical tools of the analytic work, the analysts, and their institutions. The importance of Bion’s convergence with Matte-Blanco is highlighted. In closing, a fragment of a clinical material is presented where the ways by which the author works, drawing from many experiences and studies throughout her years of practice and marked mainly by the impact of Bion’s contributions are discussed.


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Author Biography

Viviane Sprinz Mondrzak

Psicanalista. Membro efetivo e analista didata da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (SPPA)/International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA).


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How to Cite

Sprinz Mondrzak, V. (2024). Bion’s impact in thinking psychoanalysis: a personal testimony. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 31(1). Retrieved from