“I Have Two Watches, I Have Always Had Two, one on My Wrist, the Other in My Head”. Notes on Unheimlich and old age, inspired by The Father (2020)
Old age, Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, UnheimlichAbstract
The present investigation starts with the thesis that The Father (2020), directed by Florian Zeller, is more than a drama; it is a singular horror film in which it is possible to elucidate different elements of the Freudian concept of Unheimlich (the uncanny) from the ways in which old age is developed throughout the audiovisual narrative. To demonstrate this hypothesis, the article explores three aspects that, within the film, go from being Heimlich (familiar) to Unheimlich: time, body and family. Within The Father this triad is the basis for interpreting old age as an experience that has Unheimliche at its core, mainly due to the manner in which the subject must confront the end of one’s own life.
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